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What's new in Jepto


August 20, 2024

Media: AI photo content
Media: AI photo content

Jepto utilizes AI vision to generate labels for your images, helping you understand how search engines perceive them. Use this data to ensure your images align with your targeted SEO keywords.

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August 20, 2024

Media: Publishing
Media: Publishing

Seamlessly publish or schedule images directly to your Google Business Profile through Jepto, with support for multiple images across various profiles. Auditing, managing and optimize all your media items in a few clicks.

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August 20, 2024

Media: Filter by Categories
Media: Filter by Categories

Easily filter your listings by category and upload media to specific categories. This feature enhances organization, improves searchability, and maximizes the impact of your media content.

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July 23, 2024

Reviews: Fast Reply
Reviews: Fast Reply

Generate and apply multiple AI-generated responses to unreplied reviews at once, making review management faster and more efficient.

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June 28, 2024

Social Posts: New Actions on Calendar/Table View
Social Posts: New Actions on Calendar/Table View

Jepto now lets you edit and duplicate error posts, change or add scheduled dates, publish immediately, or schedule draft posts on the table view and calendar view. Streamline your social media management with these new additional actions.

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June 28, 2024

Social Posts: Now Able to Create Social Posts Faster
Social Posts: Now Able to Create Social Posts Faster

Enabling the "Create another social post" feature will redirect you to the Create New Post view instead of the listings view. Your last used "Post Type", "Add a Button", and scheduled date and time will automatically be set up based on your last created post, making the creation of new social posts faster and more efficient.

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May 6, 2024

Budget: Target Spend Notification
Budget: Target Spend Notification

Receive an email and/or Slack notification when your budget reaches the target spend. Stay informed about your current campaign's progress and take immediate action.

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April 25, 2024

Local Listings — Activity: Platform Filtering
Local Listings — Activity: Platform Filtering

We've added platform filtering, allowing you to choose the data source activity you wish to view.

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April 15, 2024

Introducing Question and Answers
Introducing Question and Answers

If you manage multiple Google Business Profiles and need an easier way to handle questions, our new feature is here to help. You can now view, answer, and add questions across all connected profiles in one convenient place. This functionality simplifies engagement with your customers by centralizing communication.

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April 15, 2024

Introducing Platforms
Introducing Platforms

Managing multiple locations can be challenging, especially when setting up each one individually on Bing Places. Our new feature simplifies this process: you can now create Bing Places directly from your connected Google Business Profiles. Just click "Create," and the existing details from your GBP will automatically populate your new Bing Place, streamlining setup and ensuring consistency across platforms.

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March 12, 2024

Bulk Editing of Attributes
Bulk Editing of Attributes

You can now edit attributes for multiple profiles simultaneously, streamlining the process of ensuring consistent attributes across profiles. Attributes are crucial for Google Business Profiles as they help enhance visibility and relevance in search results.

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March 6, 2024

Local Listings: Bulk Edit Profiles
Local Listings: Bulk Edit Profiles

You can now simultaneously edit multiple Google Business Profiles, such as Profile Information, Contact Information, Special Hours, and Social Profiles. This feature enables you to efficiently update profiles that share identical information all at once.

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February 29, 2024

Google Business Profile Discovery Tool
Google Business Profile Discovery Tool

AI recommendation of Local Listings Categories and Services. Utilise AI to discover which category and services you should be adding to your Google Business Profile.

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February 22, 2024

Attributes Tab
Attributes Tab

We've introduced an Attribute tab to Local Listings, allowing you to view all attributes for each profile at once, as well as identify the most commonly used attributes.

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February 22, 2024

Attribute Editing
Attribute Editing

The editing functionality for profile attributes has been improved. You can now "Unset" an attribute to hide it from your profile. To display an attribute, simply choose "Yes" or "No" to signal its availability.

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February 9, 2024

Reviews Date Filtering
Reviews Date Filtering

We've added date range filtering to the Reviews, Unreplied, and Performance sections, enabling you to focus on specific profiles and time periods for more detailed analysis.

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February 9, 2024

Differentiate Service Types
Differentiate Service Types

In Local Listings, to quickly identify custom services from pre-defined services, we've highlighted custom ones in purple.

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January 24, 2024

Visibility: Search Keywords
Visibility: Search Keywords

Gain insights into how your prospects and customers discover your Google Business Profiles by tracking the keywords they use in their searches. Each keyword has the monthly search volume, or the minimum number of searches needed for Google to display actual results.

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January 19, 2024

Social Post
Social Post

Create, schedule and publish content directly on Social channels. With support for bulk and dynamic posts you can scale across multiple profiles with ease.

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December 18, 2023

Filtering by Review Star Rating
Filtering by Review Star Rating

You now have the ability to filter reviews according to their star rating. Simply clicking on a particular sentiment icon will activate this filtering feature.

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November 15, 2023

Google Analytics 4 - Added Audience
Google Analytics 4 - Added Audience

Now when setting up GA4 KPIs or Anomaly Detection, you have the option to select an Audience (This was called Segments in Universal Analytics), allowing for more tailored reporting based on your specific needs. For example, you could create KPIs that focus only on Organic traffic or Conversions from a particular country or region.

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November 11, 2023

Bulk Edit for Categories and Services
Bulk Edit for Categories and Services

Introducing a new bulk action feature for Categories and Services, enabling you to add or modify multiple categories and/or services across any number of Google Business Profiles. You can even choose between adding or updating to a specific set of categories and services. Along with the audit statistics on your current configuration across profiles, you will never be missing a category or service again.

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November 10, 2023

Local Listings & Reviews: Bulk Action
Local Listings & Reviews: Bulk Action

The Local Listings and Reviews table now features a bulk action capability, allowing you to export chosen items in CSV format for external reporting or analysis.

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October 24, 2023

Activity logs
Activity logs

For each change you make to a Local Listing or reply to a review it will be recorded in the activity log for you to search across status, location or user.

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October 17, 2023

Google Analytics 4 - Extend supported dimensions and metrics
Google Analytics 4 - Extend supported dimensions and metrics

Analyzing Google Analytics 4 is now a little easier with our support for custom and system defined Event and Google Ads metrics. Which means you can track, forcast and look for anomalies in metrics like Revenue and custom events.

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October 10, 2023

Local Listings
Local Listings

View all your profiles and metrics within unified dashboard. Make bulk-edits, monitor for changes, view profile performance and in-depth analysis of profile configurations.

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October 10, 2023

Review Manager
Review Manager

Along with our long awaited Local Listing features, we are proud to release our review management feature that allows you to respond to reviews with AI generated suggestions and summaries.

You can also analyze review performance over time and across multiple profiles and even detect reviews that have been removed by Google.

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July 18, 2023

Subscription Updates
Subscription Updates

The subscription management has had a complete redesign to make it easier for managing your plan limits and the purchasing of optional add-ons, so that you have a tailored plan to your needs.

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June 19, 2023

Send test Slack notification
Send test Slack notification

You now have the option to send a test message on Slack to determine if your chosen channel will function properly and preview how future Slack notifications will appear.

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June 8, 2023

Monthly/Yearly Seasonality control of your KPIs
Monthly/Yearly Seasonality control of your KPIs

You can now control whether monthly and/or yearly seasonality are used when calculating your Machine Learning KPI predictions. This makes it easier for you to adjust prediction output based on unusual past activity or irregular patters in your historical data.

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May 29, 2023

Automation Job — Google Review Change History
Automation Job — Google Review Change History

Get an alert when a Google review is edited or removed from your Business Profile.

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May 19, 2023

Client Notes

May 11, 2023

Automation Job — Google Business Profile Change History
Automation Job — Google Business Profile Change History

Record each modification to your Google Business Profile to track the impact of profile optimizations, changes that are published from 3rd party apps or submissions by a public user.

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April 26, 2023

Dynamic Campaign Filtering for LinkedIn
Dynamic Campaign Filtering for LinkedIn

Select your Campaign groups by using dynamic filters. For example, if you use a naming convention, your campaign selection for KPIs, Budgets, and Anomalies will automatically update when you create or remove campaigns in LinkedIn.

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April 12, 2023

Branch Tools Explorer URL Segments
Branch Tools Explorer URL Segments

To make it easier to analyze the content groups on your website, you can create segments using the Branch Explorer extension. By creating segments, you'll be able to spot opportunities and trends more effectively, resulting in more powerful website analysis.

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April 12, 2023

KPI Monthly Seasonality
KPI Monthly Seasonality

You can now see monthly trend data for each KPI. These trends will allow you to see the most impactful period of the month. Level up your strategic planning of campaigns and improve your approach to achieve better results.

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April 4, 2023

Bulk Edit Webhook for Automation and Anomaly Detection
Bulk Edit Webhook for Automation and Anomaly Detection

Easily make changes to your notifications settings across multiple Automations and Anomalies in a single click.

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March 23, 2023

Google Search Console KPI and Anomaly
Google Search Console KPI and Anomaly

Increase your search performance tracking with our Machine Learning, customizable KPIs and smart anomaly detection. Send timely notifications across multiple channels, all seamlessly integrated.

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March 15, 2023

Advanced KPI Prediction Settings
Advanced KPI Prediction Settings

For those advanced users that want to fine-tune their Machine Learning predictions, you now have access to four new settings: Seasonality Mode, Seasonality Strength, Changepoint Flexibility and Changepoint Range.

These allow you to make adjustments in forecasts for example, seasonal clothing items in eCom stores, Covid traffic drops or recent activity not reflecting historical trends.

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March 1, 2023

Budget Planner Notes
Budget Planner Notes

We have moved comments/notes from below the Budget planner and into their own dedicated tab. This allows us to build upon the filtering and aggregation of comments made throughout the platform.

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March 1, 2023

Quickly change your budget targets
Quickly change your budget targets

We know budget changes happen frequently, so we’ve streamlined how you make budget changes without having to load the full editing experience. After each target change your data will recalculate the stats and graph without leaving the card or list views.

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March 1, 2023

Duplicate a Job
Duplicate a Job

For situations where you need to create very similar KPIs/Budgets/Anomalies you can now duplicate an existing one and adjust accordingly.

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March 1, 2023

Rename a job directly on the listing
Rename a job directly on the listing

Making a name change is now a lot faster with direct edits possible through the card or list views.

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March 1, 2023

Anomaly Error Details
Anomaly Error Details

If you have connection issues to your data sources, we now provide a detailed explanation why and what you can do to fix it.

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February 14, 2023

Create Looker Studio Reports with KPIs, Budgets and Insights
Create Looker Studio Reports with KPIs, Budgets and Insights

We have now provided an easier way for you to create Looker Studio reports from your KPI, Budget and Insight data.

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February 14, 2023

Notification Badge
Notification Badge

Our latest update introduces visual icons that allow you to quickly view your notification settings. With this new feature, it's easy to see at a glance which settings are in place for each area, providing greater clarity and control over your alerts.

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February 14, 2023

Auto Create Anomaly Detectors
Auto Create Anomaly Detectors

When setting up a KPI, you can now automatically create an anomaly detector using the same settings. This streamlines the process of detecting unusual behavior in your most important data.

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February 14, 2023

Get anomaly detection across all of your data sources
Get anomaly detection across all of your data sources

We have completely rebuilt our Anomaly detection feature and added support for all of the data sources below. We've built upon our past experience and improved the analysis for detecting changes and unusual events across your data before they become big issues. For advanced users, we also allow you to control the fine tuning of anomaly detection through a running the settings across historic data in a intuitive and visual way.

Support data sources:

- Google Analytics 4
- Google Ads
- Facebook Ads
- Microsoft Ads, Google Sheets
- Google Business Profile
- Instagram Ads
- Twitter Ads
- LinkedIn Ads
- TikTok Ads

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February 14, 2023

Auto Resolve Insight
Auto Resolve Insight

To avoid accumulating insights without action, you can set a period of time in which an insight will be auto-resolved.

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December 20, 2022

Zapier Integration
Zapier Integration

We are excited to announce that Zapier is now embedded in our app, giving users the ability to quickly and easily integrate their workflows with a wide variety of services.

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December 20, 2022

Looker Studio Templates
Looker Studio Templates

Create reports with one click from your own Looker template and Pipeline data.

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December 20, 2022

Collapsible Sidebar Navigation
Collapsible Sidebar Navigation

We've added the ability to collapse and expand the sidebar navigation, giving you more space for your important analytics data.

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December 8, 2022

Webhook: Automation and Anomaly
Webhook: Automation and Anomaly

We've just added more support for webhooks as a notification type. Get real-time updates and trigger actions automatically across every feature. Say goodbye to manual checks and hello to increased efficiency

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November 30, 2022

Google Analytics 4, LinkedIn, Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter KPIs
Google Analytics 4, LinkedIn, Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter KPIs

Google Analytics 4, LinkedIn, Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter metrics are now available for tracking and forecasting. All the usual functionality of tracking cumulative and calculated metrics is included, and you can pull all of this into Data Studio for custom reports.

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November 21, 2022

LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok Budgets
LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok Budgets

Having all of your Advertising platforms spend data together is crucial to increase efficiency of Budget management, which is why we are happy to announce support for LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok.

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November 3, 2022

Google Business Profile KPIs
Google Business Profile KPIs

Google Business Profile KPIs are here! This will allow you to track performance and visibility on Google, allowing you to make more informed decisions about marketing strategies. With our new KPIs, businesses can see their reviews, ratings, impressions, and other key performance indicators, track their progress over time, and compare their performance to competitors. We believe this feature will help businesses better understand and optimize their presence on Google.

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October 19, 2022

Google Sheets Budgets
Google Sheets Budgets

Having all of your Advertising platforms spend data together is crucial to increase efficiency of Budget management, which is why we are happy to announce support for Google Sheets, for any platforms that we don't support natively.

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October 6, 2022

Explorer Report
Explorer Report

In partnership with Branch Tools, we are proud to offer a slimmed down version of their powerful Looker Report that highlights Google Search Console insights directly in the platform.

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October 6, 2022

Analysis Report
Analysis Report

We’ve released a new feature called Analysis, that allows you to create visualizations from your data warehouse. With this feature, you can quickly and easily create interactive charts and graphs to help you better understand your data. Create powerful insights with a simple and intuitive interface without having to use Looker.

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August 26, 2022

Make Integration

August 26, 2022

Search on Pipeline
Search on Pipeline

You can now easily find your pipeline by searching by pipeline name. A search will only appear if you reach more than 50 pipelines.

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August 10, 2022

Google Business Profile (aka GMB) Keyword Data
Google Business Profile (aka GMB) Keyword Data

All Google Business Profile pipelines have been automatically updated to include Keyword data. These new fields allow you to report on the keywords that triggered your Business Profile to show in the SERP. This data is available on a monthly basis and is backfilled so you can see your performance over time.

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August 1, 2022

Improved Security
Improved Security

When resetting your password you can now force all other devices to be logged out.

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July 22, 2022

Zapier: Added client name and labels
Zapier: Added client name and labels

The client name, and any labels, are now available on the Insight triggers and the Find a Client action.

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June 7, 2022

Pipeline Error Details
Pipeline Error Details

We have improved the way error logs are displayed for pipelines, along with clear actions to resolve the issue.

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June 2, 2022

New fields for Zapier Triggers
New fields for Zapier Triggers

The Client ID field has been added to the trigger of anomaly detected

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May 24, 2022

Analytics and Reporting
Analytics and Reporting

As the Data Warehouse functionality continues to evolve, we have split out the main menu to separate it from the Analytics features. This change also allows for the switcher at the top of the page to be dynamic for Pipelines or Clients.

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May 4, 2022

Access Control
Access Control

Easily share access to your Data Warehouse with any other Google Account.

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May 4, 2022

Facebook Data Warehouse
Facebook Data Warehouse

Report and analyze on your Facebook Ads data with our latest No Code Data warehouse data source.

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March 29, 2022

Create and modify Branch Tools Extension terms
Create and modify Branch Tools Extension terms

You can now add and edit the terms used to classify searches for brand searches as well as top/middle/bottom of the funnel.

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February 11, 2022

Bulk Action
Bulk Action

Update several KPI, Budget, Anomaly, and Automation notification setting at once. Bulk editing of archiving and deleting is also supported.

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February 9, 2022

Subscribe or/and purchase credits on Data Warehouse
Subscribe or/and purchase credits on Data Warehouse

You can now purchase Data Warehouse credits directly in the pipeline configuration screen.

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December 23, 2021

Custom Time for Fetching Data of Anomalies
Custom Time for Fetching Data of Anomalies

If your Google Analytics account is showing false positives due to long processing times, you can now adjust when the processing for anomalies runs.

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December 14, 2021

Data Studio Connector Speed Optimisation

November 25, 2021

Client Search
Client Search

Client search will appear if account has 11 clients or more.

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September 29, 2021


Enhance your data analysis and reporting with extensions, built on your data warehouse.

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September 21, 2021

GSC Pro - Managed Big Query
GSC Pro - Managed Big Query

It's now even easier to get started with GSC Pro as you no longer need to have your own Google Cloud account. Simply choose our BigQuery managed destination and we'll take care of everything for you, with no extra cost.

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September 21, 2021

Multi Select User on Big Query Managed

August 4, 2021

GMB Pro - Managed Big Query
GMB Pro - Managed Big Query

It's now even easier to get started with GMB Pro as you no longer need to have your own Google Cloud account. Simply choose our BigQuery managed destination and we'll take care of everything for you, with no extra cost.

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July 1, 2021

Pipeline Updates
Pipeline Updates

More information has been added to the detail view so that you have all the necessary information when creating pipelines with multiple data sources.

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May 27, 2021

KPI Facebook Ads Advanced Settings
KPI Facebook Ads Advanced Settings

We have added support for Facebook's new attribution settings in Facebook Ads KPIs that are in response to Apple's new cookie policy in iOS 14.5.

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May 12, 2021

Google Search Console Pipeline

March 24, 2021

Pages now have a title
Pages now have a title

Each page you visit within the App will now show a title, so that its easy to navigate your history.

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March 19, 2021

Budget Sorting
Budget Sorting

You can now sort budgets by a variety of fields to ensure that you know exactly which budgets to focus on.

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March 4, 2021

Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse

Store your data for better reporting and historical reference. We handle the whole data engineering process, so you can focus on reports and analytics.

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March 3, 2021

Status Filter and Sorting
Status Filter and Sorting

Create the perfect layout for you with sorting and filtering. Each feature has a range of options that are available and can also be combined with Client (label) filtering.

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February 15, 2021

Sampling Warning
Sampling Warning

When utilizing Google Analytics data to track a KPI it's important to understand if sampling is present to know how precise the data is. With this update you now have a quick visual indicator to tell if the data is sampled.

To ensure that KPIs are accurate as possible all data is fetched with an anti-sampling approach, but in occasions where sampling does occur you will know.

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February 12, 2021

KPI Seasonal Trends
KPI Seasonal Trends

Utilize the power of Machine Learning with new Seasonal trends. These charts provide insight to the Weekly and Yearly seasonality of your KPIs, allowing you to better understand variations in performance.

Each forecast utilizes these seasonal trends to predict a daily value that takes into consideration previous years data and the current trend.

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December 16, 2020

Search Console Activity
Search Console Activity

Monitor any metric in Search Console over any time period. Create rolling Weekly, Monthly or custom time period checks to look for movement in your rankings. With full filtering control, you never need to worry about repetitive data analysis, just set up an automation job and have it check you data every day.

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December 10, 2020

Automation Job — Microsoft Ads destination URL checker
Automation Job — Microsoft Ads destination URL checker

We now also support Microsoft Ads for destination URL checking.

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December 9, 2020

Automation Job — Facebook Ads destination URL checker
Automation Job — Facebook Ads destination URL checker

Building on top of our Google Ads destination URL Automation Job, we have added support for Facebook Ads.

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December 8, 2020

Automation Job — Google Ads destination URL checker
Automation Job — Google Ads destination URL checker

Prevent poor landing page experiences by constantly monitoring your destination URLs. This Automation Job pulls all of your URLs and checks them for status code errors and/or specific text on the page.

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November 19, 2020

Rolling Average
Rolling Average

This update allows you to adjust the rolling average time window for Calculated metrics so that you can take a short or longer view for the prediction.

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November 9, 2020

Microsoft Ads KPIs
Microsoft Ads KPIs

Bing Ads or as it's now known, Microsoft Ads, is a platform that is growing in some sectors, and therefore we have included this as a data source for KPIs. This inclusion is one more step towards our aim of centralizing marketing data to save time and reduce complexity. As with all KPI data source, forecasting and calculated metrics are supported.

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November 5, 2020

Microsoft Ads Budgets
Microsoft Ads Budgets

Having all of your Advertising platforms spend data together is crucial to increase efficiency of Budget management, which is why we are happy to announce support for Microsoft Ads (formerly known as Bing Ads).

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October 30, 2020

Google Sheets KPIs
Google Sheets KPIs

We are excited to announce that we now have an integration with Google Sheets. This will allow you to track KPIs across any data source that we don't have a native connection for and give you complete flexibility whilst utilizing the same prediction algorithm as used with other data sources.

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September 30, 2020

KPI Insights
KPI Insights

Yearly seasonality plays a role in reaching your KPIs, so we are now going to be creating Insights from our Machine Learning prediction algorithm when your KPIs are due to see the highest or lowest fluctuation in seasonality.

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September 22, 2020

Comments and Notes
Comments and Notes

Comments are a useful way to communicate with other team members, document change requests from Client discussions or changes in strategy or direction. You can add a comment to any KPI, Budget or Insight from within the App or from a Slack notification.

To give you complete flexibility, there is also an option to save a comment as Note. This can then be utilized for creating business logic such as pulling in only Notes to your Data Studio reports.

By saving Comments and Notes as you receive notifications you will be able to speed up the reporting process and have better team collaboration. Check out the documentation for more examples on how Comments and Notes can be used.

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September 21, 2020

Jepto Affiliate Program
Jepto Affiliate Program

We have been growing steadily thanks to the Marketing community spreading the word, and we want to reward those who are actively promoting Jepto. So today we are officially launching our affiliate program where you can get paid for referring Jepto.

All you need to do is sign up and add your unique link to your website, social media posts or newsletter. We'll take care of the tracking and let you know when a user clicks on your link and becomes a Jepto customer.

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September 2, 2020

Filter Campaigns on Budgets
Filter Campaigns on Budgets

When creating a Budget you often only want to include certain campaigns, however manually assigning campaigns is time-consuming as your Ads account gets updated with new campaigns. This is where dynamic filters are handy. You can filter based on campaign names containing or not containing text, or utilize your account Labels. They can even be used together for complete control.

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