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Free Google Business Profile Looker Studio Connector

Free for up to 10 GBP properties.
No trial. No credit card. Free forever.


Create Business Profile reports in Looker Studio

Collect data from up to 10 Google Business Profile locations and create a report in minutes.

Filter by location and date

Aggregate Locations

Reports can aggregate data from multiple locations or a single location with filters.

Top level metrics

Top Level Metrics

Performance metrics allow you to monitor brand visibility and track progress over time.

Centralised Review Reporting

Centralized Reporting

Easily establish which locations are get psoitive reviews and which ones are underperforming.

For Agencies

Report on your client's Business Profile performance across multiple locations.

For Businesses

Get visibility on they key metrics and reviews for your Google Business Profile.

Use the two Google Business Profile connectors for free

GBP Insights

Business Profile Insights

Use this connector to report on data relating to views on search/maps, photos, posts and direction requests.

See In Data Studio

Google Reviews

Google Reviews

Use this connector to create reports on Google reviews, including the reviewer, replies and star rating.

See In Data Studio

Get access with a free token in 3 simple steps:

Fill out the form

1. Fill out the form

Get the code via email

2. Get the code via email

Put the code into the Data Studio Connector Authorization screen

3. Put the code into the Looker Studio Connector Authorization screen

Have more than 10 Business Profiles?
Create accelerated reports with a Data Warehouse, set up in minutes

If you have more than 10 GBP locations try the Jepto Basic Plan for $10 per month + $1 for each location.


Access all of your Google Business Profile data with the Jepto Data Warehouse.

Get complete access to your Business Profile data for full reporting, including keyword ranking data and breakdown of performance metrics.


Google Business Profile (aka GMB) Keyword Data

All Google Business Profile pipelines have been automatically updated to include Keyword data. These new fields allow you to report on the keywords that triggered your Business Profile to show in the SERP. This data is available on a monthly basis and is backfilled so you can see your performance over time.

Google Business Profile (aka GMB) Keyword Data

By using the Jepto Data Warehouse you will unlock your Google Business Profile Keyword data. These new fields allow you to report on the keywords that trigger your Business Profile to show in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

Filter by location and date

Develop a keyword strategy

Gain visibility into the keywords that customers are using to find your business.

Top level metrics

Brand and product search terms

See how many times your business profile was shown for branded and unbranded keywords.

Centralised Review Reporting

Track keyword vizibility over time

Measure your Business Profile optimizations by tracking keywords and search volume over time.

Free Connector VS Data Warehouse

Free Connector

Data Warehouse

Maximum Locations

Free reports are limited to 10 locations, whereas the Data Warehouse can scale to any limit.




The cost for reporting on your Google Business Profile data.


$10 Plan + $1 per Location


Storing your data in a Warehouse accelerates reports through Google's BI Engine for fast loading Looker Studio reports at any scale.



Data Fields

Additional fields available for the Data Warehouse include: profile information, posts, questions, answers and detailed impression data.




See the keywords and search volume your business profile ranks for.

Location Filtering

Only pay for the locations you want to report on and share access securely.


Set the Location timezone to ensure data matches the GBP dashboard.



Data fields for GMB Free Connector and Data Warehouse

Field Type Free Data Warehouse Description


TextString Available Available Google identifier for this location in the form: accounts/{accountId}/locations/{locationId}


TextString Available Available Location ID


TextString Not Available Available Entity type


TextString Available Available External identifier for this location, which must be unique inside a given account. This is a means of associating the location with your own records.


TextString Available Available Location name should reflect your business's real-world name, as used consistently on your storefront, website, and stationery, and as known to customers.


TextString Not Available Available Category that best describes the core business this location engages in.


TextString Not Available Available A phone number that connects to your individual business location as directly as possible.


TextString Not Available Available Up to two phone numbers (mobile or landline, no fax) at which your business can be called, in addition to your primary phone number.


TextString Not Available Available A precise, accurate address to describe your business location.


TextString Not Available Available Additional categories to describe your business.


TextString Not Available Available A URL for this business.


TextString Not Available Available Operating hours for the business.


TextString Not Available Available Special hours for the business.


TextString Not Available Available Service area businesses provide their service at the customer's location.


TextString Not Available Available A collection of free-form strings to allow you to tag your business.


TextString Not Available Available Additional information that is surfaced in AdWords.


TextString Not Available Available User-provided latitude and longitude. When creating a location, this field is ignored if the provided address geocodes successfully.


TextString Not Available Available Indicates the location other information


TextString Not Available Available A flag that indicates whether the location is currently open for business.


TextString Not Available Available Attributes for this location.


TextString Not Available Available Additional non-user-editable information.


TextString Not Available Available The language of the location.


TextString Not Available Available Describes your business in your own voice and shares with users the unique story of your business and offerings.


TextString Not Available Available Describes your business in your own voice and shares with users the unique story of your business and offerings.


TextString Not Available Available All locations and chain related to this one.


CalendarDate Available Available Date represented as YYYY-MM-DD


CalendarTimestamp Not Available Available Date represented in ISO 8601 extended format (hh:mm)


TextString Not Available Available Total number of followers for the location.


NumericNumeric Not Available Available The location's average rating


TextString Not Available Available The daily total number of reviews in a location. NOTE: To display the total number of reviews in Data Studio, use the MAX aggregation. For the number of reviews over a given time period use the reviewId metric with COUNT aggregation.


TextString Not Available Available For Jepto Use only
Field Type Free Data Warehouse Description


NumericInteger Not Available Available Business impressions on Google Maps on Desktop devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted as a single impression.


NumericInteger Not Available Available Business impressions on Google Search on Desktop devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted as a single impression.


NumericInteger Not Available Available Business impressions on Google Search on Mobile devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted as a single impression.


NumericInteger Not Available Available Business impressions on Google Maps on Mobile devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted as a single impression.


NumericInteger Not Available Available The number of message conversations received on the business profile.


NumericInteger Available Available The number of times a direction request was requested to the business location.


NumericInteger Available Available The number of times the business profile call button was clicked.


NumericInteger Available Available The number of times the business profile website was clicked.


NumericInteger Not Available Available The number of bookings received from the business profile.


NumericInteger Not Available Available The number of food orders received from the business profile.


NumericInteger Not Available Available Impressions on Google Search and Maps on Desktop devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted once.


NumericInteger Not Available Available Impressions on Google Search and Maps on Mobile devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted once.


NumericInteger Available Available Impressions on Google Search on Mobile and Desktop devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted once.


NumericInteger Available Available Impressions on Google Maps on Mobile and Desktop devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted once.
Field Type Free Data Warehouse Description


TextString Not Available Available The format of this media item.


TextString Not Available Available Describes how this media item is connected to its location.


TextString Not Available Available Google-hosted URL for this media item.


TextString Not Available Available Where provided, the URL of a thumbnail image for this media item.


TextString Not Available Available The dimensions (width and height) in pixels.


TextString Not Available Available Description for this media item.
Media Customer
Field Type Free Data Warehouse Description


TextString Not Available Available The format of this media customer item.


TextString Not Available Available Describes how this media item is connected to its location.


TextString Not Available Available Google-hosted URL for media customer item.


TextString Not Available Available Where provided, the URL of a thumbnail image for media customer item.


TextString Not Available Available The dimensions (width and height) in pixels.


TextString Not Available Available Description for media customer item.


TextString Not Available Available Attribution information for customer media items.


TextString Not Available Available A publicly accessible URL where the media item can be retrieved from.


TextString Not Available Available A reference to media item binary data as obtained by the media.
Local Post
Field Type Free Data Warehouse Description


TextString Not Available Available Google identifier for this post in the form: accounts/{accountId}/locations/{locationId}/localPosts/{postId}


TextString Not Available Available The language of the local post.


TextString Not Available Available Description/body of the local post.


TextString Not Available Available The URL that users are sent to when clicking through the promotion.


TextString Not Available Available Title of the post event.


TextString Not Available Available Event information.


TextString Not Available Available The state of the post, indicating what part of its lifecycle it is in.


TextString Not Available Available The media associated with the post.


TextString Not Available Available The media URL associated with the post.


TextString Not Available Available The link to the local post in Google search.


TextString Not Available Available The topic type of the post: standard, event, offer, or alert.


TextString Not Available Available The type of alert the post is created for.


TextString Not Available Available Additional data for offer posts.


CalendarTimestamp Not Available Available Time of the creation of the post.
Field Type Free Data Warehouse Description


NumericInteger Not Available Available The number of upvotes for the question.


NumericInteger Not Available Available The number of upvotes for the answer.


TextString Not Available Available Photo URL of the author of the question


TextString Not Available Available The content of the question.


TextString Not Available Available The author of the of question.
Field Type Free Data Warehouse Description


TextString Not Available Available Display name of the author of the answer


TextString Not Available Available Photo URL of the author of the answer


TextString Not Available Available A list of answers to the question, sorted by upvotes.


NumericNumeric Not Available Available The total number of answers posted for this question.


TextString Not Available Not Available The answer to the question.
Field Type Free Data Warehouse Description


TextString Available Available The encrypted unique identifier.


TextString Available Available The reviewer profile photo URL


TextString Available Available The reviewer display name


TextString Available Available Reply on the review


CalendarTimestamp Available Available Date represented in ISO 8601 extended format (hh:mm)


NumericInteger Available Available The star rating of the review.


TextString Available Available The body of the review as plain text with markups.
Search Keyword
Field Type Free Data Warehouse Description


TextString Not Available Available The lower-cased string that the user entered.


NumericInteger Not Available Available A threshold that indicates that the actual value is below this threshold.


NumericInteger Not Available Available The sum of the number of unique users that used the keyword in a month, aggregated for each month requested.

Frequently asked questions

1. Is it really free?

Yes! We built the free connector because we were experimenting with Google Business Profile as a data source for our App and decided that we would offer it for free, forever. Absolutely no catch. We don't use your data for any purposes, we only hope that you might browse around and see if our App would be of interest to you.

2. How do I filter data from a single location?

If you have multiple locations, you have several options for filtering data for your reports. For example, you could create a filter based on the Location Name or Store Code for a static report. Alternatively you can create a filter control if you want the report to be dynamic.

If your GBP account has location groups, there is a checkbox in the settings to allow you to edit the location group from inside the report, referred to as business accounts, and is in the parameters section inside the report.

3. Do you have other free Data Studio connectors?

We only have the two free GBP connectors, reviews and insights.

4. Why is the connector asking me for edit permissions?

In short, there is only one permission scope. For us to access your Google Business Profile data we use the API (Application Programming Interface) which is considered private, as a formal application needs to be submitted before you can gain access to the API. Because of this, Google has only one permission setting for accessing data via the API which is why edit/delete access is requested. The connector only reads information and absolutely no editing or deleting requests will be made to your account.

5. Why are there separate connectors for reviews and Insights?

When we originally built the GBP Insights connector we didn't cater for reviews and trying to make both work together was going to compromise the existing connector. Therefore, we built the review connector separately due to popular demand, and now you have the choice of using one or both.

6. What's the difference between the free connectors and the paid GBP connector?

The free version is a Data Studio Connector that allows up to 10 locations and has limitations on speed and data fields. The paid offering is a fully manage No Code Data Warehouse that offers unlimited locations, faster speeds and increased number of data fields for reliable and rich reporting.