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Reduce manual workloads and get things done faster

Focus your time on tasks that produce bigger results

Cut out human error and easily track performance

seo email

Weekly and Monthly Summaries

Report summaries highlight the best and worst performing Budgets and KPIs, so you can drive attention directly to where it's needed.

Know who might be a churn risk and grow your portfolio.

Multi Channel KPIs

Align and unify different channels and teams to get a complete picture of a Clients performance.

Get your team to stay focused on the big picture and give understanding to where you are on track and where the focus of time and resources should be.

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Slack Collaboration

Rich and interactive messages allow teams to operate at speed and keep abreast of each other's actions.

Let others know you are looking into issues with acknowledgments and make comments to refer back to later or for use in Client reports.

Internal Operation Standards

Utilize Automation jobs for ensuring compliance against internal standards. It's easy to ensure Ad Account optimizations are being adhered to with the automation of notifications when no changes have been made.

sem change history

Looker Studio Reporting

Create any type of report you like or enhance an existing one.

All of your prediction data, comments and Insight statuses are available in the connector for you to create automated reports that your Clients will love.


Effortless automated reporting of Insights created when Anomalies are detected or an Automation Job runs and meets your trigger condition.


Native Looker Studio charts with Machine Learning predictions will elevate your reports into a conversation about future growth.


Track and report on your Ad Spend across all major platforms without having to pay for additional third party connectors.

data studio

Your digital marketing
assistant that never sleeps

Jepto connects to your Marketing stack and allows you to automate tasks and
monitor your data to provide actionable Insights

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